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Frequently Asked Questions

The content is comprehensive, so why is it so cheap?

The organisational specialists at OurWorkplace are nearing the end of their working careers, but are concerned with the large number of organisations experiencing many similar problems. We have solved these problems with our conventional consulting programs, but now want to help a great many more businesses and people, so we have developed our unique online support program. One of our mantras is not to allow cost to be an inhibitor to workplace improvement. We just want to get the information, which we know works, out to as many people and organisations as possible. That will be our legacy. 

So we are not trying to sell this information in the conventional sense, but simply explain the logic built into the program, and with that knowledge, people will make their own mind up on the value they can obtain.

What discounts can I get?

Their is an old adage which says "You only get what you pay for".  We have already made this program very cheap for the value included and for the value of business improvement that is obtained if the advice is followed. Our passion is more about improving organisations and making them resilient than it is about making profits, but we do have costs and expenses to cover to be able to provide this information and continually improve it.

Therefore we heavily discount costs when large numbers of employees and when whole of organisation forms the membership, as we know that is the most effective way to achieve cultural change quickly.  We will also further discount Noy-for-Profit organisations, so please talk with us so we can achieve a fair and balanced outcome.

Why should all employees complete this Foundation Program?

Our Workplace improvement modules provide the missing knowledge that provides the solutions to the most commonly reported workplace issues. This knowledge is relevant to all employees in an organisation, but the context in the way the information is used will vary dependent on each persons role, so that each person can ground the knowledge into their own workplace reality. 

When everyone in the organisation has the same organisational foundation knowledge, it enables a cultural change to be achieved:- a faster and bigger improvement step.

Why should non-leaders complete a leadership video?

These Workplace improvement video's explain many complexities about human behaviour, the way different people think, the commonly misunderstood difference between Leadership and Management, whether that ocurrs formerly or informerly, and so much more.  Every employee will demonstrate the discipline of leadership during their daily work; they will all be an influence on someone, whether that is their work colleagues, a customer or perhaps an external stakeholder. There will be a "Moment of Truth" about that organisation in each exchange which will govern the customer experience and the culture of the organisation.

This knowledge is relevant to everyone in the workplace, but of course senior people will rely on this knowledge and use it to benefit the wider organisation far more than others.  The more formal leadership responsibilities a person has been given, the more they will get out of this new knowledge.

We are strong believers in having the knowledge accessable to everyone, and that no-one is denied access based on class, formal role or any discriminatory

Can you develop the PD's for us?

Our Masterclass video series on developing operational position decriptions provides all the guidance you need to develop position descriptions for your own organisation, but we understand that sometimes people need a little more support, or don't have the resources or time to develop the PD's themselves.

We offer a flexible Implementation package that provides the templates, processes and tools required to implement a position description roll-out project which is compliant to legislation, awards and enterprise agreements.  Costs will vary depending on the scope of our involvement, but in all levels, we strive to pass on our knowledge and experience to you.

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(C) OurWorkplace (2023)